Choices and Challenges

Popular culture often depicts disabled people as the recipients of technology - or people who should be hopeful for such development. At this event, we’ll hear from disability community members and allies about different ways we might think about people, technologies, disability, and institutions. The stories we tell are about technology and the human condition. We’ll hear about resistance, pride, optimism, and anger. We seek conversations that take seriously the voices of disabled people in regards to assistive technologies, inclusive education, and accessible environments.
Due to COVID-19, Choices and Challenges - Technology & Disability: Counternarratives will be a virtaul forum this year. The forum is open to the public at no charge. American Sign Language (ASL) and Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) are provided. Please use the registration links to join the panels you are interested.
November 9, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Autism Tech & Autistic Experience
Hani Awni
Damien Patrick Williams (moderator)
November 13, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Cyborg Promenade with Sammus and Travis
Sammus the Rapper (music performer) & Travis Chi Wing Lau (poetic performer)
This Choices and Challenges forum is presented with support from the Department of Science, Technology, and Society (STS), the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences (CLAHS), the Center for Humanities, Advancing the Human Condition Symposia Grant from the Office of Inclusion and Diversity (OID), and a National Science Foundation CAREER Grant (Disability, Experience, and Technological Imagination, #1750260).

The Choices and Challenges Project
Co-directors Ashley Shew and Lee Vinsel
Project committee member Patricia Raun
Research associate Kuan-Hung Lo
Founder and past director Doris T. Zallen
Virginia Tech Mail Code 0247
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061